Please Pray for Daddy

Please pray for my Daddy. This was our church prayer req: This is being sent to request urgent prayer for PT. Paramedics were called today and PT was taken to Suburban Hospital. He was noted to have a mild stroke, but also two aneurysms that will need urgent surgical management. More detailed tests will occur tomorrow. Juio is with PT at the hospital and will be spending the night with him there. No visitors at this time, please.

Please pray for the doctor’s wisdom in his treatment, for good care, for correct management and for full recovery. Please also be in prayer for Juio and family. Even now, please bring this before our merciful and compassionate Father.

mm hmm. im just saying, my daddy is SO HARDCORE, you have no idea 😑💗💗. And you know what? yesterday his bed was in the hall in the ER bc he just got back from an MRI and I had previously been out in the waiting room. But I walked back there (it was super crowded!) and when i saw him we were both sad and i took a knee right there and prayed for him. The ability to kneel spontaneously is a HUGE achievement. (thank you, Guys!) and the ability to approach the Throne of Grace with boldness is a HUGE privilege made possible by Christ. The last time i knelt like that at a bedside was 20 years ago with Mrs. Ridgely at Georgetown. 💗

thanks for your prayers.

4 thoughts on “Please Pray for Daddy

  1. My dear Ning, we are very sad to hear this. My family and cell group are now praying for your daddy. Our gracious and almighty God will hear our prayers. Stay calm and take care of mommy too .

    God bless 🙏 Aunty Frances

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Hi Ning,

    We were so sorry to hear the news. Yes, we will pray!

    Love and hugs to all of you,

    Nita for both of us

  3. Dear Ning! The Lord upholds all that fall, and raises up all those that be bowed down…..the Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, says Psalm 145, and I am doing that for your remarkable Dad, who I look forward to meeting again when I finally make it to your side of the country. Much love to you all from Mea.


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